49 results found
Accounting Custom Fields
Would like to add custom fields to revenue/expense entries. Use case scenario: adding a checkbox for "Thank you send?" to keep track of each donation revenue entry and whether or not a thank you has been communicated with donor.
1 vote -
Link to online applications
When creating a grant "opportunity" we have the option to identify the application "type" as online. It would be great to have a place where we can add the link to the online application as well as any other potential references that are web pages and not attachments.
2 votes -
Bank Transaction Integration
Please build an integration with banking no different than the functionality supported by Quickbooks. EVERY CLIENT HAS A BANK ACCOUNT! This activity is repeated every month by every client. The ability to MATCH and assign accounts, program/services & opportunities should be designed to facilitate full posting information.
5 votes -
Notes in Reporting
To supplement our Volunteer management needs, we need to use the Notes feature. Our use case is that we link a volunteer to a non-revenue opportunity; the load a note with a label that we need to build for proper visiblity. This is because the NOTE DETAILS would only display when you selected that note. We need to see the 'label' . While not ideal, it will allow us to proceed while we partner with NPC to enrich the volunteer functionality. The MISSING PIECE is the ability to see the NOTES LABEL / TITLE in the Reporting Engine. I have…
2 votes -
Parent program on Import Template
When importing, the template for Program/Services does not support the Parent Program. This enables the proper data to build the structure that you are able to do with the UI
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Revenue and Expense Cards Next to Each Other on an Opportunity
On an Opportunity, we would like the Revenue and Expense cards to be side by side each other, rather than having to scroll down to see the Expenses. This makes the user's experience better, so they may see the most important information at the top next to each other.
3 votes -
allow drag and drop for file attachment
currently have to upload each file separately, one at a time, from a folder on my computer. Would be nice to drag and drop.
5 votes -
Custom CRM fields in Communication Templates
PLEASE! It's the reason we add these is so that we can use them through out our workflows and processes! Communications need the ability to add any custom-defined field from CRM or Fundraising. This functionality would eliminate 3 manual processes and an entire system from our technology footprint.
1 vote -
Ability to create tasks from Bounced Communications
When sending bulk emails annually, handling bounced emails is a task that can be assigned easily. Add the ability to add a task for each bounced email from a communication.
2 votes -
Event may NOT be a Fundraising Opportunity
We will be utilitizing the event as a major type and different Opportunities to define the segment of the event the volunteer participated in for that event. It's critical that we understand the various portions a profile attended for donor management.
1) If you donate at an x level, you receive the opportunity to participate in our major event. Or, you receive "Y" number of opportunities at a higher level of donation.
* We need to track the participation for either limiting or enhancing the funding requests in future opportunitieswe are using the NOTE field for know is a…
1 vote -
Better control order Profile Custom Fields display
The order in which profile custom fields display is based on when they were entered into NPC and if they have been moved to a designation. Consider in the Custom Fields Page, displaying the fields in the order they appear on the screen (including under the Designation heading, if they apply to certain designations) and then allow for arrows to change the order (as in configure columns for the main Profiles search page).
This will allow clients to have the interface they desire in many fewer clicks and without planning in advance.
2 votes -
Global Search / Keyword Search
Global Search: (1) Search keywords in emails you sent. (2) Search keywords in Notes/Tasks descriptions (3) Search keywords in Opportunity descriptions.
4 votes -
Duplicate profiles report/process
As clients import revenue from outside sources (e.g. ticketing software) and as donation hub entries are processed, the potential for duplicate entries increases. Good data practice is to review duplicates regularly, so creating a standard report within NPC or with GoodData that identifies potential dupilcates will help clients be better communicators and donor stewards.
1 vote -
Task Calendar: View Who It Was Assigned To
On the calendar view of tasks, would like to be able to see WHO the task is assigned to without needing to click on it. Color-coding tasks by staff and color would be great. For example, Meredith = blue. Then, have the progress shown in a green/red/gray tag based on whether the tasks is in progress, completed, or late.
2 votes -
Schedule Emailing Dashboards to Profile Lists
In the Dashboards of NPC, you can schedule emailing, which is great. You have to type in email address to choose who that email goes to, though. Would love to be able to type in a profile LIST, so that the scheduled email goes to everyone on that profile list (that they may have previously created in CRM).
2 votes -
Is there a possibility for a function to take donations while also distributing tickets for specific events or for other purposes. The ticketing function could be for either individuals or tables for big donor gala events down to smaller happy hours or sporting events or even raffles/drawings. So basically, we can distribute a ticket for an event after someone gives a donation OR make it optional to give a donation when someone is obtaining a ticket.
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3 votes
Banking→deposits and/or payments, allow me to return the place I was working when I het back
- I am working banking→payments or deposits.
- I adjust my view to 250 transactions to scroll down to see a payment from previous months.
- When I view an individual transaction and then finish, I always am thrown back into the main view page with only a handful of recent transactions.
- I have to change my view again to 250, then scroll down to the previous payment again to get back to where I was working. This takes up an inordinate amount of time and would be frustrating to those working in book keeping.
- Could you just allow me to go back…
5 votes -
Expense Tags in Email Templates
Be able to put expense-related tags in email templates. Line items, expense amounts, descriptions, etc. This is so that clients can send "proof of payment" to the profiles they send expenses to.
1 vote -
More payment options for donation collection via Donation Form and Donation Hub
Apple Pay, Pay Pal, have been the two I have heard the most
4 votes
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