60 results found
Add "Pay" email and "Pay" address fields to reporting options
The new "Pay" buttons for email and address are great, but we need the ability to report on them in Profiles and Custom Reports. Thank you!
2 votesReleased on 6/6/23:
Profile Report: Added the Pay Email and Pay Address, No charity status check, Last charity status check, Last financial date *inactive -pulls from the vendor profile designation.
donor report display funds
It would be very helpful to display the names of funds to which a donor has contributed when running the Donor report. Ideally they would be displayed in separate columns so we have the ability to sort the list by the fund names. I realize I can filter the donor report by fund or fund group, but I still need visibility about which specific funds pertain to each donor that displays.
1 voteYou should be able to create a donation report add the fund and donor to the report. Then group the report by donor.
Custom Reporting for Grantee Fields
Requesting grantee fields availability in a custom report--including the charity check information.
8 votes7/29/2024: Reports-Funds: Added Allow Additional Advisors field to the fund report. Nonprimary fund advisor address information will need to be populated on the Fund Advisor report. Added Parent Fund Name and Parent Funit ID. Added Need Primary Advisor Boolean Field to the Fund Reports.
Reports-Profile Item Payment: Added invoice id and donation id fields.
Reports-Profile Org Role: Added org_prim field
Reports-Voucher & Voucher Item: Added reduce spendable boolean field, voucher id, Legacy code/ID and loan id fields.
Reports-Donation: Added Donation Address fields, receipt id, soft credit, and destination grant id.
Reports-Service Area: Added Assigned city & state (or null) fields
Reports-Campaign Profile Ticket: Added Number of seats "to assign", requests, and ticket note
Reports-Check Report: Added Vendor name and drillable check batch ID fields
Reports- Check Voucher: Added Vendor ID field.
Reports-Scholarship & Scholarship Payment: Added decision date to both reports.
Reports-Invoice: Added Loan ID field.
Reports-Recurring Donation: Added…
report to manage sub group of funds or other types
Goal - to be able to create a custom report by a select group of funds- if one is monitoring 10 funds as an example. this is not doable today. as an example- i am managing 10 funds and want to be able to monitor them as a subset - thus i want a simple fund report with name and available fund balance. deally there would be a way for me to select the funds from a list or drop down once i was selecting on the fund name.... do you know what i mean? i assume folks would want…
1 voteYou can do this with filters on the reports. There is also a new Financial Advisor field that released 11/1/2023, I think this would help you with the fund balances with the funds you manage or using Fund Steward. Please feel free to reach out to suuport@foundant.com or success@foundant.com for additional training.
financial reports columns - ability to remove unwanted columns
Please make the option available to exclude columns not needed (e.g., remove YTD Actual if we don't want it) from the canned financial reports.
5 votes- 12/4/2024:Financials: Updated the printing of Financials. This update will allow users to add headers and footer content to printed financial statements along with customizing report titles and columns. In Financials, users will find Content in the left-side menu. This will allow for financial_publish_header and financial_publish_footer. These content areas will be html compatible with the following merge fields: report date, title (this will pull the title from the Financials Settings), filter values, report timestamp, and report title. Settings is also a new left-side menu that will allow users to rename their reports. For example, Balance Sheet can be changed to Statement of Financial Position. When processing a financial report, users will see a new left-side menu option called Publish. Print will be a print option with the header and footer content areas added. Print will remove all lines on the report and it will print on a white background.…
Urgent: Fix Scholarship Notes Reports Links
Please update the links for the Scholarship Item ID in the Scholarship Notes report.
With the Sship Item ID, I should be able to hop into the scholarship item profile, however these links are incomplete and I receive an error message. Please see the pictures below. My workaround is to download the report and add the correct link, but it is not ideal. I've reached out to support, but to no avail.
The report is fantastic, but not as helpful if we can't hop into that student's profile via an accessible link.
2 votesThis was resolved on 6/1/2023:
Reports: Scholarship Note Report - Resolved an issue that was not linking to the correct transaction when drilling into the Sship Item Id.
Add donation advisor field as an option in donation custom reports
I understand that there is an advised donation report, but would love to be able to pull the field "donation advisor" into my custom donation reports rather than run two reports and cobble them together.
11 votesIn order to pull the donation advisor name into a report, select "Advisor Name" from the field list. Search for Advisor and scroll to the bottom of the list for all of the Advisor fields.
Custom Fields for fund
It would be amazing if we could add a custom field for Funds like we can on profiles. That way we can tag funds with their field of interest instead of tagging the Owners who may have multiple funds.
4 votesCustom fields are available on funds. Once you create the custom fields you can use custom reports to filter a list of funds and set the custom field in bulk. You can also set grant type for a fund. Feel free to reach out to support@foundant.com
Allow reports for Org roles to show if the role is active or not
Currently you are able to set Org roles as inactive or active, but it is not reportable. This means when a report is built to list those associated with the org roles, it shows all profiles with no way of sorting the ones that are currently active. It would be great if we could filter by whether or not that are active, or how some indication (like italics) that show the difference.
46 votes -
Add file share status to custom file report
We often put files on fund records and share them with our constituents. We would deeply appreciate if Foundant added the "shared (yes/no) field into file reports.
6 votesThere is a Shared File field available in File Custom Reports. There is also a shared File column in the Files table.
Add Report Number when Report is open - by the report name
Please add report number by the report name so when a report is open, we can reference the number when communicating with Foundant via Chat or with other staff when creating reports for them, convenience...
7 votes03/11/2024: Custom Reports: Added the report number next to the report name when displaying report.
Beneficiary Report that Includes Other Foundation Funds
Under Reports --> Fund Beneficiaries:
Users can run a report to see all the Foundation funds that have beneficiaries linked and the percentage amount set for said beneficiary. Wonderful!However, the report only shows external grantees. The report does not show other Foundation funds that are set-up as beneficiaries which would receive an internal grant when distribution is approved.
Can we please add other Foundation funds to show with the external grantees to show under the Name tab in the Beneficiaries Reports?
24 votesBeneficiary Fund fields have been added to the Fund Beneficiary Report. This will be in a release note for 12/28/2022.
The fields begin with "Bene" to indicate the fund that is a beneficiary fund.
Due to the new 1099-NEC form there needs to be a differentiator between the Form 1099 and the 1099-NEC boxes for vendor reporting.
47 votesThis was released on 12/7/2022. Here is the release note:
1099: Enhanced the 1099 reporting by adding a new 1099 menu allowing clients to create 1099 MISC and NEC reports. Clients can export the report for 1099 processing outside of CSuite. The report uses the 1099 code from the account on the paid expense to determine the 1099 designation. We will be removing the e-file functionality from CSuite, since many clients are handling this process when creating 1099 within another system. This now has a new permission.
Org Role "active" filter error in custom reports
When filtering on a specific Org Role and also filtering on "active" in the custom Org Role report, the filter is yielding profiles with ANY active Org Role and ignoring the filter for the specific Org Role listed in the filter.
6 votesThe active filter is no longer removing a org role id filter in a Profile Org Role custom report.
Add Custom Report # to Displayed Title inside report screen
C'mon North America, let's end the madness.
With so many useful custom reports to manage, it'd be most helpful to make the custom report's # visible, when in the report itself - rather than just the title. That way we don't have to stop a filter update job midstream, just to confirm we're working off the right report.
Us users will know exactly where we are - a frequently good thing. Support team will be able to locate lost souls more quickly. Better CSuite = more good philanthropy happens more quickly, more often = mo' better.
4 votes4/5/2023: Reports: Enhanced reporting to have the ability to create the columns first by using the edit option next current fields. When selecting creating the columns for your report, clients can select the all or none option at the top of section or multi-select columns to display. Columns selected will populate in the right hand column, set column order and can be sorted from this view. Once all the columns have been select, use the save button just below the search bar.
Permissions - allow users to delete own reports
We would like the permissions around deleting reports to be just a little more granular.
We understand there is currently an advanced permission to delete reports, meant to be assigned for "cleanup" as it would allow a user the ability to delete ANY saved custom report.
Rather than go quite this far, we would like another option. We would like an option that could be more safely enabled for ALL users... which is the ability for a user to delete their OWN reports.
44 votes10/2/2024:Permissions-Permits the user to view, export, filter, and schedule custom reports. Also permits the user to have API ability.
- When users have both Full Access and Custom Report Delete permissions, they can delete their own reports and any inactive users' reports. If users have Full Access and Custom Report Delete permissions and are part of the Admin group, they can delete any user's reports.
- This will be released for anyone with Custom Report permission, and may require updates from Administrators.
Last Financial Date in Grantee profile
I dream of a world where "Last Financial Date" in Grantee profile is an available field for custom reports. Helpful for staying up to date which grantees are approaching a date where new documents need to be reviewed. Who's with me!
8 votesReleased on 6/6/23:
Profile Report: Added the Pay Email and Pay Address, No charity status check, Last charity status check, Last financial date *inactive -pulls from the vendor profile designation.
fund beneficiary
Setting up descriptions for all of our fund beneficiaries, which is such an important improvement -Thank you! It would also be great to include the description field in reporting. Same for Recurring grants if not already included.
9 votesThe beneficiary description is available in the Fund Beneficiary custom report. This report used to only include grantees. It now includes Beneficiary Funds as well. Those fields have "Bene" in front of them.
Enhancement: Schedule reports
Enhancement: The ability to schedule reports to auto-run and deliver to admin. email addresses.
9 votesustom Reports: Added the ability to email and schedule emails from custom reporting in a .csv file or html format. The on demand email will be located within the report with the other actions such as: save and load. Selecting email will allow for the selection of format, to field, and subject. The schedule email will be from the main report page in between enable and delete options. When scheduling a report, select the format, frequency, and send date.
tribute - add date for tribute custom report
In the Custom Reporting for Tributes there is no way of sorting by date. When you pull this report up it shows all names, but NO DATES to be able to filter.
8 votes8/2/2023: Tributes: In order to manage tributes more efficiently, a new workflow has been designed for Tributes.
The Tribute list view is now a custom report with the ability to sort each column and have the ability to apply filters, save filtered lists, export, email and load for future use. On the left hand menu, there is also a new Delete Unused menu item. This will allow clients to delete any unused tributes that do not have donations attached to the tribute or if the tribute does not have associated notify information. If the notify address or email information is not completed, the tribute information will move to a non-notify tribute field. This will allow clients to retain the information about the tribute on the donation in a text field.
A status field has been added to tributes. By default, all tributes are now public. The public status will allow…
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