About 100-300 students abandon requests every year, so a reminder or two per year = 600 high end
400 renewals each year, so a reminder to fill out form = 400
It would also be nice to remind about the annual award event to new scholars, about a 100 new scholars per year = 100
Also would be nice to send a general check in text in December/mid-year = 400
I could also see us expanding programs and utilizing more texting in the future.
So, I'd say around 1,000 would be used, and 2,000 or more would be even better.
About 100-300 students abandon requests every year, so a reminder or two per year = 600 high end
400 renewals each year, so a reminder to fill out form = 400
It would also be nice to remind about the annual award event to new scholars, about a 100 new scholars per year = 100
Also would be nice to send a general check in text in December/mid-year = 400
I could also see us expanding programs and utilizing more texting in the future.
So, I'd say around 1,000 would be used, and 2,000 or more would be even better.
This would be a huge help to our staff! Thanks!