10 results found
Tribute bucket shows number of tributes needing to be sent in parentheses
Tribute bucket in donations should show the number of tributes needing to be sent in parentheses at the top of the page, next to the word Tribute, similar to the Receipt bucket and how it shows the number of donations that are done being reviewed and need their tax receipt sent.
31 votes -
Ability to Change Non-Notify Tribute Details
If the donor fails to enter anything in the 'Whom to notify' area, the donation will result as a non-notify tribute. As the donor as elected not to notify the tribute, we are unable to modify and link to an established tribute.
We have chosen NOT to display our tribute names to the portal for several reasons. Now that CSuite assumes that if someone enters a Tribute name without notify contact information, that means the donor does not want to send a notification. However we are finding that the donor may have simply not known who to notify.
Our ask…
21 votes -
Keep Attached Files When Tributes Merge
When merging tributes I'd like the ability to automatically move the attached files from the deleted tribute to the remaining tribute. Similar to the feature that was recently added when merging profiles.
18 votes -
Online Donations: Setting to disable auto receipt when a tribute is included
When I create print letters to notify folks that a tribute gift was made, I typically make edits to the letters before printing and sending. However, if someone has selected to notify the tribute via email, I am unable to edit the letter.
Could there be a setting to toggle off this option on our website so that the public can only choose to notify people via snail mail?
Or could the system allow me to edit my letter before it is emailed?
11 votes -
Please make new tributes default to private
Currently any tribute created is made public immediately. This leads to a lot of clean-up later. Could tributes be made private by default or could we have a setting that makes this an option?
9 votes -
Tributes and Stripe gifts
Stripe gifts come into Csuite posted. If a tribute is added to the donation in Stripe, the tribute does NOT go into the tribute bucket. Also, there is no way to edit the tribute. We need the ability to make changes and add the tribute into the tribute bucket in order to properly notify people
7 votesThere is an option now to clear a tribute and and then add the correct one. I realize this is not the ask for the request, but it is a work around at this time.
Tributes sent - should be in the logs for the profile receiving the notification
Again, with my struggle for documenting when a tribute was sent and who & how it was sent to - please make this reportable.
7 votes -
Serial Numbers for Tributes
Please allow for the serial number functionality that can be enabled for tax receipts to also be an option for tribute notifications. At this time, what is sent out for the tribute notification is not captured in the system (the "receipt" PDF specifically).
Currently, CSuite allows for tax receipts to be serialized. It would be amazing if the Tribute Notifications allowed for this as well to see what was sent out and when.
6 votes -
Show who is notified in online tribute dropdown
When displaying tributes for donors, in the dropdown on the Giving Hub, to select from, show who will be notified. We have tributes with different people to notify for the same person being honored/memorialized. For instance, the son's friend wants to notify the son of their donation, not the spouse. You see multiple tributes for the same person but have no idea why or who might be notified. We also have people put their own name in the notify thinking this is how they will get acknowledgement of the donation.
4 votes -
Clear Tribute Verbiage
When selecting [clear] next to a tribute on a donation, you are brought to a confirmation page which says "Confirm Donation Delete" yes or no -> the wording on this page is confusing as it seems you may actually be deleting the donation, not the tribute.
Would be nice to update the verbiage to something more clear like "Confirm clear tribute" to avoid confusion3 votes
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