Show who is notified in online tribute dropdown
When displaying tributes for donors, in the dropdown on the Giving Hub, to select from, show who will be notified. We have tributes with different people to notify for the same person being honored/memorialized. For instance, the son's friend wants to notify the son of their donation, not the spouse. You see multiple tributes for the same person but have no idea why or who might be notified. We also have people put their own name in the notify thinking this is how they will get acknowledgement of the donation.

Sara commented
Yes! It is very difficult to get tributes to the right people when multiple donors put in notifications for different people (sometimes accidentally themselves because they don't understand what this means) and the donations get clumped together for all those notifications. If Jane Doe has no relation to the family but puts that she would like to be notified because she doesn't understand what that section means, I don't think I should be letting Jane know of every other person who donated in memory of said person.