Ability to Change Non-Notify Tribute Details
If the donor fails to enter anything in the 'Whom to notify' area, the donation will result as a non-notify tribute. As the donor as elected not to notify the tribute, we are unable to modify and link to an established tribute.
We have chosen NOT to display our tribute names to the portal for several reasons. Now that CSuite assumes that if someone enters a Tribute name without notify contact information, that means the donor does not want to send a notification. However we are finding that the donor may have simply not known who to notify.
Our ask is --
- Either allowing us to change the non-notify tribute entry to a notify tribute.
- Or allow us to add information to the donation portal to explain what the donor should do when they do not know who to notify.
Jessica Renfro commented
Yes, please! I also noticed the non-notify tributes aren't showing up on Stripe tax receipts that are auto-emailed. An October release note says this was resolved, but I don't see a field that will populate the non-notify info. onto an auto-emailed tax receipt. It looks to me like you have to convert it into a regular/notify tribute first and then manually re-send. In addition to Michelle's request above, please allow non-notify tribute info. to show on Stripe tax receipts!!