11 results found
Fund statements: Need school name in Grantee section
Please provide the option to list the school's name in the grantee detail section of a scholarship fund statement. This field is currently blank or will list the student's full name since the student is considered the grantee according to C Suite even though the payment was sent to the school. This is confusing for donors. This update would also protect the privacy of the student by including the school's name, and not the student's full name. We are not interested in the post by payment option as that feature can cause issues with financial integrity.
148 votesAfter review by our engineering team, we are moving this back to proposed. The school name populates if using Post by Payment. The reason it does not without that option is that the scholarship populates the fund statement on the post date, and the school is assigned on the payment lines, which could be later than the post date.
display future year's spendable amount on fund statement
When creating fund statements at the end of the year, it would be useful to include the spendable amount for the next year on the statement.
32 votes -
New idea - Fund Statements - email delivery - it would be beneficial if bounced or dropped email status was in red.
It would be beneficial if the Email Delivery status for bounced or dropped emails was in red.
32 votes -
Fund statements - sort by fund advisor or fund
Give foundations the option for fund statements to sort by either fund advisor or fund.
30 votes -
Print/Generate Fund Statements grouped by Fund Advisor/Individual
Bring back the ability to pull all fund statements for funds under a specific fund advisor. Previous to the revamp of the fund statement workflow, there was an ability to select the Fund Statement ID for the specific month or quarter and to select "Print Individual." We could then generate a PDF file of all fund statements for that time period associated with a particular fund advisor. There is no way to do this in the new workflow, but we constantly have fund advisors calling and requesting all the fund statements for their funds. For those fund advisors managing more…
24 votes -
Bring back counts in Fund Statement generation
See attached below. This is what it used to look like when I would generate fund statements (back before a lot of updates), I WOULD LOVE THIS FEATURE TO COME BACK!!!!
I generate the files but someone else reviews and it doesn’t provide a number now until the review is complete, which does not help me in making sure all have been accounted for prior to sending for review.
This is what shows now but it gives me the number AFTER the fact.
It would make my life so much more efficient to have this feature back in the generation…
13 votes -
Provide the option to show grant payment activity on fund statements.
When a grant is created with multiple installments, it only shows the total grant amount on the fund statements with no option to show the grant activity over the years/quarters.
7 votes -
Pledge Section/Table in the Fund Statement Template
Please include a Pledge section/table in the fund statement template. Currently, there are only two fields in the entire fund statement fields list that are related to pledges and they only exist in the donations section/table.
We are requesting that a Pledge section/table be added to the fund statement template and available fields. Fields like the Pledge Balance, Pledge Anonymity, Pledge Status, Pledge Description, Pledge Total, etc.
Overall, a section related to just pledges would give our fund holders better insight into the pledges for the fund and what they can expect to be receiving.
6 votes -
fund statement permissions
It would be helpful to have the ability to choose different fund statement types for Fund Advisors who advise on multiple funds.
Example: John Doe's statement type is set to online. He is a Fund Advisor for Doe Family Fund and Designated Fund for ABC School. John needs to be able to view online information and make grant recommendations in the fund advisor portal for the Doe Family Fund. He needs to receive an emailed statement for the Designated Fund for ABC School but because of his role should NOT have access to see fund information online.
4 votes -
It would be very helpful to have donor names tied to all stripe activity in fund statements- specifically fees (admin and stripe). We can sometimes have up to 4 or 5 line items under a donation and the only line that has the donor name is the actual donation line. If we get multiple stripe donations in the same day, the fees aren't always in order so it makes it difficult to see what fee is associated with a specific donor.
I've attached an example of a section of a fund statement in the activity detail.
2 votes -
fund statement - add semi-annual interval
A fund statement interval (statement type) of semi-annual would be useful to us.
Thanks for considering.2 votes
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