Print/Generate Fund Statements grouped by Fund Advisor/Individual
Bring back the ability to pull all fund statements for funds under a specific fund advisor. Previous to the revamp of the fund statement workflow, there was an ability to select the Fund Statement ID for the specific month or quarter and to select "Print Individual." We could then generate a PDF file of all fund statements for that time period associated with a particular fund advisor. There is no way to do this in the new workflow, but we constantly have fund advisors calling and requesting all the fund statements for their funds. For those fund advisors managing more than one fund, pulling fund by fund just isn't efficient.
Sidney Suttles commented
Old workflow was as follows:
Funds > Fund Statements > Select the Fund Statement ID for the specific month or quarter > select “Print Individual” from the left menu > use “Ctrl + F” to find the fund advisor (e.g. Ctrl + F Bruce Wayne) > Select Print and then print the PDF files generated for all funds that person (e.g. Bruce Wayne) was a fund advisor for.