Fix Paper Fund Statement File to be consistent with Online Statements (Page Count)
Less an idea and more an observation of inconsistencies between the online version and paper version of fund statements within the same batch that requires attention. The page count of the online statement is accurate for that statement (i.e. "1 of 5"), however the page count of the paper statement gets recalculated for the full size of the paper file (i.e. "1 of 306"), as though a new batch of statements have been generated rather than compiling the already generated individual statement PDFs into a single document. Can you fix the process for generating paper statements so that the document a fund advisor receives by mail is the consistent with the version available to them online?

Michael Wiley commented
Here are screenshots of the Page Count merge field values from the online and paper versions of the same fund's statement, both generated as part of a single batch of statements.