Opportunity Tasks Notes Need to Show Up on the Fund
When marking an opportunity related task "done" and subsequently adding a note, the note shows up on the profile of the household and/or individual, but not on the fund profile DESPITE the fund field being specified. In normal notes, if you make a note in a profile and add the fund, the note will show up under the fund, too. This does not happen with the opportunity task notes, which is not efficient or streamlined. It would greatly enhance opportunities if the task notes show up under the fund designated in the notes, just like normal notes.
Opportunity Tasks Notes Need to Show Up on the Fund
When marking an opportunity related task "done" and subsequently adding a note, the note shows up on the profile of the household and/or individual, but not on the fund profile DESPITE the fund field being specified. In normal notes, if you make a note in a profile and add the fund, the note will show up under the fund, too. This does not happen with the opportunity task notes, which is not efficient or streamlined. It would greatly enhance opportunities if the task notes show up under the fund designated in the notes, just like normal notes.