77 results found
Fund Advisor Portal: Profile Information Location Flexibility
The profile information link in the fund advisor portal is now located in the top left of the screen. We'd like to make it a tab, like the other sections, or have it on the top right of the screen. Location at the top right seems to align better with here people look for "My Account" or other similar profile information on other websites.
3 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
3 votes
8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
Fund Portal Information
Currently when a fund advisor views his portal, he can see the donor and the amount given. This goes against our current Donor Confidentiality Policy. We keep all gift amounts private.
I'm told there is not currently a way to hide this information on the portal. Can this be changed?
Thank you!1 voteThis can be done by using the Hide Amounts on a fund under the options Card.
fundholder portal - appearance of fund advisor name
Recommendation: Use profile mailing label name, rather than household name for fund advisors
Issue: our household records appear as 'last name, first name' so that we can easily alpha-sort mailing lists, etc. However, ,because the portal is pulling the household name to populate the Fund Advisors name(s) on the primary screen for each fund, those names also appear as 'last name, first name'. ..Several of our donors are complaining about the 'last name, first name' appearance. If we could populate that field of the portal with mailing label format, or specify how we'd like the names to appear on the…
7 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
Donor portal view multipayment grants
Please show multi-payment grants in the donor portal with the status of the individual payments so that the donor can tell which payments have been paid. Currently the donor sees just the full amount of the grant with the status "Voucher."
24 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
More Donation Info For Fund Advisors
Our fund advisors would like to be able to see the In Memory of/In Honor of fields as well as the Recognition field of a donation. I would hope this would be an easy add to the fund advisor permissions.
12 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
Display interfund grants differently on the Donor Portal home tab
Right now, any interfund grants show up on the Donor Portal home tab as the name of the foundation, not the individual fund. It would be nice to have the individual fund names represented instead. It is a little misleading when someone views the top contributors and all the individual funds are lumped together under the main foundation's name. It would be nice to see individual fund's generosity recognized.
27 votes09-22-2023- Fund Advisor: Enhanced the Grant Summary with Internal Grants to use the Public Fund Name, if available, rather than the Fund name.
Allow Donors to Edit/Cancel recurring grant recommendations in the Portal
The portal gives donors the ability to set up recurring grants, but once they are entered, the donor has no way to edit them or cancel them without having to contact us.
We previously used Donor Central and it gave donors the option to "edit" (which actually walked them through re-entering a new recurring donation but with the org info prepopulated) or cancel.
68 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
Add grantee street address for view in donor portal
Could you add the street address for view in the donor portal in addition to the city/state? This way a donor can know if they need to submit an updated address if it is someone they may have donated to before.
9 votes8/10/2023: Fund Advisor: Enhanced the Fund Advisor area to have a new left menu, List Carts. This new menu will display any fund advisor grant request that have been created, but not yet submitted to the foundation. This table will display the created date, fund advisor, Fund/Org, Amount, Grantee, and the Description of the a grant request. On the Fund Advisor Portal, we have updated the menu above the unsubmitted grant request to Unsubmitted Grant Request. The button for the cart option has also been updated from Review to Review and Submit Grant Request, to help Fund Advisor process the cart. On the Review screen, Fund Advisors will now see the grantee's primary address, as a quick way for them to confirm that they have selected the correct Grantee. If the Grantee is creating from Guidestar from Fund Advisor, the address will not display in the review screen, since the…
Grant Request Notes Visible to Fund Advisor After Submission
Once a Fund Advisor submits a grant request, the information submitted in the Notes area is no longer visible to them. This prevents the Fund Advisor from having any visibility later on to ensure they provided correct instructions or wishes for their grant. Please make this a viewable field in the portal.
11 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
Fund Name merge field in fund_statement_review_email_body
It would be very helpful to have the option for additional merge fields in the system content fundstatementreviewemailbody.
Specifically, at least {fund name} would be helpful as well as others.
We have advisors that receive statements from multiple funds and without fund name in the email body, it is going to appear that they are just getting the same email multiple times. If fund name were included, they could recognize they are getting an email for each fund the advise.13 votesThe following was released on 3/4/2024:
Fund Advisor: Updated the content merge fields for the following Fund Advisor emails. Advisor_Login_Email: Salutation, First Name, Last Name Mailing Label; Advisor_request_confirm_email_body: Fund Name and Grant ID.
Donation: Updated the content merge fields for the following donation email. Donation Notify: Primary address, email, phone, donation date, Salutation, First Name, Last Name, Mailing Label
Funds: Updated the content merge fields for the following funds emails. Fund Statement Email Body and Fund Statement Review Email Body: fund name.
No permission changes with this release. -
"select all" tab permissions in fund portal setup?
It would be awesome to have a "select/deselect all" button when adding the funds to a fund advisor portal. I currently have to check each very small box to turn tabs on and off for each fund. Many of our 300+ affiliates have 10-20 funds and fund advisors come and go every day.
4 votes -
Portal tributes
It would be much easier for the advisors to have tributes (in memory of or in honor of) on the front facing portion of gifts on the portal. Frequently this info is needed for thank you notes. Currently the advisor needs to export gifts in order to see this information. This is not intuitive. We frequently need to explain the process and at times run a report and email to our donors who aren't computer savvy.
5 votes8/2/2023: Tributes: In order to manage tributes more efficiently, a new workflow has been designed for Tributes.
The Tribute list view is now a custom report with the ability to sort each column and have the ability to apply filters, save filtered lists, export, email and load for future use. On the left hand menu, there is also a new Delete Unused menu item. This will allow clients to delete any unused tributes that do not have donations attached to the tribute or if the tribute does not have associated notify information. If the notify address or email information is not completed, the tribute information will move to a non-notify tribute field. This will allow clients to retain the information about the tribute on the donation in a text field.
A status field has been added to tributes. By default, all tributes are now public. The public status will allow…
Recurring Grants - Donor Portal View
When donors submit a recurring grant through the portal, the request itself is listed in their grant history, in addition to each grant distribution. If we enter the recurring grant through CSuite, they do not see any indication that the grant is recurring in the donor portal.
We would love for donors to see a similar record when we create a recurring grant to when they submit a recurring request, indicating that we have entered the grant as recurring, with the amount, frequency, and start date, as well as max recurrences.
50 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
Donor Portal: Do not require phone number on grant request
It would be helpful if the "phone" field in the grant request section of the donor portal was not required, similar to "email." Donor advisors are unable to enter a grant for a new organization if they don't have a phone number of if the donor advisor doesn't know the phone number.
11 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
Donor portal Grant Submission- anonymity
When donors submit a grant request through the portal, they have the option to marke it an anonymous grant. However, this selection does not come over into the online grant request information. This can lead to confusion on funds that do not typically issue anonymous grants. It would be great if this information could be captured as the donor entered it down in the grant request information section to help eliminate concern of staff error.
19 votesAnonymous status is populating a grant request from the Fund Advisor Portal. If you see an instance where this is not working, please notify support.
Portal Password Email Text
Thanks for the ability to let donors set their own password, but can we have a different/ customized email that isn't the standard Fund ADvisor "Thank you for setting up a fund" email. The email needs to acknowledge that they are resetting their password. It's not only confusing to the donor, but it makes us look like we don't know what we're doing. Thanks!!
13 votes
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