fundholder portal - appearance of fund advisor name
Recommendation: Use profile mailing label name, rather than household name for fund advisors
Issue: our household records appear as 'last name, first name' so that we can easily alpha-sort mailing lists, etc. However, ,because the portal is pulling the household name to populate the Fund Advisors name(s) on the primary screen for each fund, those names also appear as 'last name, first name'. ..Several of our donors are complaining about the 'last name, first name' appearance. If we could populate that field of the portal with mailing label format, or specify how we'd like the names to appear on the fund advisor, all would be well. We see the mailing label format is a field in the fund advisor form - please let us use it.
8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management:
Jennifer Meckling commented
Speaking for our agency funds, is is extremely important that the names of those with portal access remain listed so that organization representatives can easily see who has access to the portal. Without this information viewable, the burden of determining who has access will fall to our staff manually checking; this would be untenable.