39 results found
Fix Mobile View for Portal
I just logged into my personal Donation/Fund Portal using my Google Pixel 8 and it does not look good. Many of the fields are overlapping and cannot be read properly. Please update/modify for responsive use, it's not built taking this into consideration.
18 votes -
Create ability to attach files to a note
Ability to attach a PDF of an email (or any document) to Notes. Then full context to note is readily available to all users. If this were implemented, a note is created with coding etc. , add a one line summary followed by "see attached"
102 votes -
Automatic Emails for Opportunities using Stages as Triggers
Please add the option to send out emails automatically based on when an Opportunity's stage is changed/reached.
We would like for CSuite to send out emails automatically, with both an external and internal option, when a particular stage or stages are reached in an Opportunity. This would cut back on much of the tedious work associated with changing stages and needing to send emails manually outside of the system.
This would help a lot with new donors as they receive a lot of communication, as well as with mid-year checkups.
11 votes -
idea lab
Often when Foundant support is unable to help with a situation due to product limitations, they'll suggest that I submit it to the Idea Lab. I understand that I have a vested interest and want to see the product improve, but sometimes I'm in a state of doing my best to get work completed. I don't always have time to log into the Idea Lab, search to see if the idea is already out there, then, if it's not re-explain my situation in a new Idea Lab post.
I wonder if Foundant support might develop a mechanism where, when they…
22 votesUnder Consideration ·AdminHolly Spitz (Accounting Product Manager, Foundant Technologies) responded
Thank you for this suggestion. We are working on improvements to Idea Lab and our process.
Grant description field should be larger so it can be viewed without scrolling
Could you please modify the grant description field so that it automatically wraps text when adding or editing descriptions?
Currently, the field allows up to 255 characters, but it's challenging to verify entries because we can't view the entire description at once. It would greatly improve usability if the description text wrapped within the field during data entry, allowing us to see the complete description without having to scroll. Once the grant is saved, we can read the entire description in one field but still have to scroll when editing.
18 votes -
Campaigns Without Tickets for Online Donations
Event Campaigns should be able to be created without needing to sell tickets. This would streamline online donations targeted for a specific purpose or campaign. The campaign could then have a specific URL and QR code created, like campaigns already do, but without needing donors to purchase a ticket, it could take them right to a donation page that is tied to the fund attached to that campaign. This would create more efficiency around event campaigns, continue the trend of online donations becoming more popular and accessible at events, and reduce the additional time it takes to manually attach donations…
98 votes -
Reporting for multiple objects at once
When building a custom report, it would be very useful to be able to report on fields from multiple objects at once. Systems I have used with this capability approached it by starting with a primary object selection (donations for example) and then once you add the unique field for another object (profile id of the donor for example), your list of fields would expand to show all of the fields associated with that new object. Event just the ability to expand into 2 objects would solve a lot of cases where we currently need to pull multiple reports into…
13 votes -
Revenue Share Deposits - Impact Investment Interest Income
Revenue Share for Deposits
We get interest income from impact investments which are in our investment pool. We would like to be able to revenue share these deposits rather than do a negative voucher to allocate the interest income.
13 votes -
yearly tax receipts
Can a check number field be added to the yearly tax receipt template field list?
2 votes -
term investment - need 1099 interest report
A 1099INT report for the Term Investments would be helpful. I can't pull everything I need from a custom report.
2 votes -
Yearly Tax Receipt Template - add fund public name
For yearly tax receipts, allow the fund Public Name to be an available template merge field. Given that the receipt is a public facing document, the fund public name should be able to be used rather than the internal name which may include internal language.
4 votes -
Automated Workflows for Donor Stewardship
Used to be a RE NXT user, and one of the best features was Workflow Designer. You could create processes — known as workflows — as an automated series of steps in the form of actions, emails, or conditions. You can assign actions to someone in your organization to complete, then add conditions to have the workflow move to the next action.
You could add emails to your workflow and set conditions to automatically send those emails to your constituents. You'll add actions and emails based on your chosen criteria and let the workflow do all the work, saving yourself…21 votes -
Grant Letters - Need Ability to Customize Process & Edit Letters
It would be helpful to 1. choose the grants for which you do not want grant letters automatically generated and 2. review/edit the letters before they are automatically uploaded to the grant record.
Not all grants utilize the grant letters feature. We need the ability to use the feature for some grants but not all of them. Also, some grant letters need to be customized or revised before they go to the grant record.
Currently, the "disable grant check documents" feature offers an all or nothing approach. Either we use templates for all of our grants and the letters are…
45 votes -
Add Contact First and Last Name to Year End Tax Receipt template fields
Add Contact First and Last Name as field options for year end tax receipt templates. It would be nice to add the name of an organization's primary contact (which we add to org's first and last name, plus first name in the Salutation) so when sending tax receipt letters for our annual giving day, we don't have to edit the PDF to include the names (I've already voted that these export to Word files). Thank you!
1 vote -
Visual Presentations Using Charts (with GL data)
In the old saying, "a picture says a thousand words", could pie and/or bar charts be available in the following areas:
Balance sheet - Cash and Investments, by GL account number, be shown in a pie chart.
Statement of Activity - Investment income items, interest income, dividend income, realized gains (losses), unrealized gains (losses) be shown by month in bar chart
Statement of Activity - Donations/Gifts, Grants actual compared to budget be shown in a bar chart.
10 votes -
check reconciliation - allow csv upload of multi voucher checks
In the bank reconciliation, checks paying multiple vouchers do not get matched with the csv upload and have to be reconciled manually. This makes the bank recon more time-consuming and leaves room for more errors. is there a way to fix this so that all checks get matched with the csv upload? We had over 100 checks paying multiple vouchers last month - would be great not to have to reconcile manually. Issuing several checks to the same vendor is not an option - sometimes there are dozens of vouchers linked to one check/vendor and it would make check signing…
8 votesUnder Consideration ·AdminHolly Spitz (Accounting Product Manager, Foundant Technologies) responded
grant type guidestar
It would be great if it were possible for the "Grant Type" (we use NTEE codes) to auto-populate from Guidestar when doing the Guidestar Charity Check. Currently, staff has to manually look them up in our organization's separate Guidestar account for each grantee when processing an award.
46 votes -
Impact Investing
With Impact Investing becoming a more prevalent means of helping our communities, it would be very helpful to have a way to allocate these loans to multiple funds without having to have an outside massive spreadsheet to "revenue share" manually and account for repayment manually to each fund. The loan feature does not work for this as that is only allocable to one fund and Investment Strategy does not work as you can also only allocate one per fund.
17 votes -
Docusign Integration
Foundant is considering integrating Docusign with GLM & SLM. Is this under consideration for C Suite as well? We'd love to have this integration capability on the C Suite side too.
130 votes -
Increase character count in grant description field
It would HUGELY helpful for us to have more than 250 characters in the grant description field on grants for longer descriptions and details that the grantee needs to receive without having to create multiple custom fields on the fund or profile to pull into the letter.
We share our designated scholarship criteria in this way, and those can be anywhere between 1000-3000 characters.
20 votes
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