25 results found
Recurring Donations - Allow Donors to Edit
I just spoke to a donor who expressed their frustration with not being able to adjust their recurring donation after it is set up - it would be a great option to our recurring donors if they could easily change the date payments are drafted, donation amount, as well as the card being used. Is this already possible and I have somehow missed it? Thanks!
26 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
Fund Advisor Portal distribution history should indicate whether the grant was anonymous or not
Include whether the grant was made anonymously or not in the distribution history that is seen by the fund advisor on the fund advisor portal. thanks!
7 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
Files on the Fund Advisor portal should be able to be sorted in descending order
My donors would like to see the files in order of the most current date first.
15 votesPortal- Added sorting, pagination, and a search component to tables throughout the portal. This will not be applied to summary pages for donations and grants.
Portal: Ability to Sort the Fund Statements by Column Headings
The ability to sort fund statements on the portal was just implemented. It's better, but the static sort appears to be by the Publish Date. We sometimes publish an older statement after newer ones, so they still get out of sequence. Ideally we'd like the ability to sort statements by the displayed column headings. That would be much better.
7 votes9/19/2024:Portal-Fund Advisor: Updated the Statements and Files to have sorting capabilities. Updated contribution drill down to only display the primary address and phone number for the donor. Added the ability for Fund Advisors to donate to their private funds from the Giving Hub link in the portal.
Donor portal - change voucher list to sort by date
Donor portal - list vouchers in date order rather than by individual/organization. Many of my fund advisors want to see vouchers by date order rather than by individual/organization. I know you can export this information to get it in date order; however, it would be better if the Vouchers tab looked similar to the Contributions tab - in date order.
8 votes8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
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