Show Multiyear Grants in Grant Summary table as they are paid
True multiyear grants that are approved once and paid out over several years do not show up in the grant summary table (grant tab of the Grantee designation) until the final payable is paid out. After the final payment, the entire grant amount is shows only in the approved year, which could be serval years prior. Now that this table is also shown in the Grantee portal, it provides an incomplete picture of the yearly grant summary when multiyears are involved, and causes customer confusion when the entire amount suddenly appears years in the past.
Please consider showing each payment of the multiyear grant in the summary table, both internal to CSuite and in the portal, in the year that the payment is issued.
There was a prior IdeaLab on this, but it was created before this data was made available on the portal, which is now causing a lot of customer confusion. That closed one is at:

2/6/2025:Profiles-Grantee: Added a new Grant Award table on the Grantee's Grant tab, Grant Award Summary. This will display all grants that have been awarded to the Grantee. This table will summarize grants in the posted, vouchers, paid, and completed grant status. If the users are using the approval setting in Grant's workflow, the grants will not appear in the Grant Award Summary table until after the approval.
Portal-Grantee: Updated the Portal to use the Grant Award Table for Grantee designations. This will show grantees a more holistic view of the grants. This table will summarize grants in the posted, vouchers, paid, and completed grant status. If the users are using the approval setting in Grant's workflow, the grants will not appear in the Grant Award Summary table until after the approval.
Profiles: Resolved an issue when selecting a profile from the profile Relationship tab linked by Org Roles, the user would receive a red error.