Restrict fields for editing on public-facing profile
For new portal, please allow the ability to restrict what nonprofits/donors can edit in their public-facing profiles (nonprofits in particular) on a field-by-field basis. An example, we don't want nonprofits to change all fields, only, potentially, their mission statement, and further description. Thanks.

1/30/2025: Nonprofit - Public Directory Settings: Add three new options allowing the ability for a profile to edit nonprofit directory data. There is an option to allow editing of the nonprofit statement, nonprofit description and other nonprofit information. All three options were set to yes by default. This will allow a Foundation to restrict editing options for nonprofits in the portal.
Jennifer Meckling commented
Please provide a way for us to limit the fields that nonprofit folks can edit for display in their directory. We have styled our Directory with html in one of the text fields. It would be awesome if nonprofits could update important stuff, but we do not want to risk losing our code. The ability to restrict editing for one or more of these fields would be life-changing for us.
Jennifer Meckling commented
This is critical. We have spend hours customizing some fields with graphic tags and other HTML. :-)