Settings and activity
21 results found
3 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
1 vote
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
2 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
1 vote
Joshua McCloud shared this idea ·
2 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
39 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
7 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
3 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
9 votes
The additional donation was built as a suggestion to cover not only the credit card processing fees, but the Foundation's fees as well. In general, a 3% fee works out to closely match the current stripe fees.
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
14 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
145 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
15 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
2 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
58 votes
When both the Giving Hub and new Portal are enabled, there is an option to add a Login to the Giving Hub main menu. This will allow a User to login to their profile prior to donating. If a profile is logged in prior to making a donation, a new profile will not be created.
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
55 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
106 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
116 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
190 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
219 votes
Joshua McCloud supported this idea ·
You wrote: "For some reason, several donors who made donations . . . also used that email address when they made their donation[.]"
In practice, it's not just a problem with duplicate or shared emails. Work emails pose the same problem. In any case, there are all kinds of reasons why a work or shared email address might appear on a profile in CSuite. The fact is that until now, foundations' staff haven't thought about--and haven't HAD to think about--the security implications of adding an email address to a profile; it's been nothing more than a way of tracking communication methods. I add a constituent's work email address to her profile because that's the only email address I know or it's one way we communicate with her.
Now, all of a sudden, without my intention to do so and certainly without our constituent's, that work or shared email address gives access to her private profile and donation information through the portal.
For now, my solution to this problem is to leave the portal mostly turned off. I have to enable it for fund advisors, since we've been using the fund-advisor portal and that's being replaced next month, but the hundredish profiles I need to worry about there are much more manageable than the literal thousands our database has acquired over the years.
EDIT: @Jenny C: Yeah, I just realized that the profile part of the portal remains accessible regardless what other segments are activated. So now the question is whether we inconvenience our fund advisors by completely removing their ability to manage their funds online so as not to risk the privacy of all our donors?
EDIT AGAIN: I guess we could instead forgo using the built-in email fields and just use custom fields to track email addresses.