754 results found
Enable Custom Account Types
The ability to create additional account types would be a huge timesaver. The Account Types offered currently are too few in number and can't possibly align with the account types (or groupings) of the typical user. Custom account types would also simply the process of creating financial views.
35 votes -
1- Reissues: A clear way to mark a grant that was reissued. Including a note for ACH or a new check number. Currently we don’t see it in th
1- Reissues: A clear way to mark a grant that was reissued. Including a note for ACH or a new check number. Currently we don’t see it in the records, and it is hard to give accurate information
12 votes -
positive pay
Positive Pay - Template Edit Capability. In past softwares I've dealt with, we've had the ability to create bank groups which tie to a specific bank's positive pay file requirements because each bank has to have their own unique template. The bank group templates are then linked to the bank ledger account so, as you issue checks, the system knows which format to file for the positive pay export. Currently, the only option we have is to download the export and tweak it manually to meet the bank's needs. It would be preferable to have the system be able to…
15 votes -
Admin Fee Report/Audit Support
When generating the admin fees, I would like to see the total calculation that the fee is being processed on. It shows in a description box but not in a column on it's own (nor does it show the total). Would be very helpful to make sure fees are calculating on portfolio balances accurately. This was something that FIMS included on their admin fee report, it showed both the full portfolio balance along with the fee column.
30 votes -
Create New Fund Online and Edit Existing Fund Online
As a foundation, I would like for community members visiting my website to be able to select "Start a Fund" from my website and enter details/intentions about that fund.
Additionally, when fund advisors are logged in to their existing fund through the portal, I would like them to be able to request changes to the fund: Ex.: investment strategy.
4 votes -
Distribution Audit Details - Make available prior to posting
It would be highly beneficial for the Audit Details export information to be available prior to posting distributions. Without posting distributions first, the quarter ending values used to calculate distributions are not available. This makes it difficult to compare year over year data to ensure accuracy. Having the quarter ending values used in the distribution calculations prior to posting distributions would negate the need to run all distributions in Sandbox first. We discovered 2 errors in cSuite calculations due to posting in the sandbox where cSuite was not calculating QEV correctly. Access to these values first is paramount to quality…
14 votes -
Recurring donation record with ACH as a Payment option
Add more payment methods for Recurring Donations. I have some donors that prefer ACH'd donations every month that come directly to our Bank Account. It would be nice if I could add a recurring donation for the same amount every month and have it marked either Other Payment or Check.
34 votesMoving this idea back to Proposed. This request is to create a recurring donation from the back end of CSuite and have ACH be a payment option (Currently it is only Stripe).
Attachments in Scholarships
It would help if the attachment I add to a scholarship (backup documentation) would automatically move with it when it goes into the grants to be paid.
16 votes -
Notification for Approval Requester
Currently there is no automatic notification to notify the user that their request for approval is approved. Normally the personal with approval authority is very busy. The extra time spent to send an email confirming the request has been approved is very inefficient. Please add automated approval notifications so the staff requesting approval can be ready for the next step in their process.
24 votes -
Turn off notifications when deactivating CSuite user
When we "Make Inactive" a CSuite user when an employee leaves, it should automatically turn off any notifications to that user.
Currently, we have to remember that a person is receiving "grant request notification" emails for example, and uncheck the box manually BEFORE deactivating the user, or else those emails will continue. Worse, when you go to see whether they are included in the list of people receiving this notification, their name won't even appear... which requires you to reactivate the user just to be able to turn the notifications off.
It's nice when you don't have to do these…
38 votes -
Fields available for Bulk Update/Import/Delete on Records
It would be nice to have the availability to bulk update/import/delete all fields on a record (profile, gift, grant, fund, etc)
Because of the volume of each of those items in a database it become tedious and tiresome to do some of the most simple and routine task.
16 votes -
Display default payment type when entering grant
There should be a way to know that a grantee is set up to receive ACH payments while you are entering the grant. Right now I have to go all the way back to the profile to see if they are ACH. This would help when choosing what letter template to use.
15 votes -
internal grant upload
Ability to upload internal grants to cSuite from an excel doc in the same manner as regular grants including custom fields and ability to make the gift spendable.
48 votes -
Sort feature in Till
It would be incredibly helpful if there was a sort feature in the till. I would love a sort feature to organize gift id numbers in order. During my busy season, this was a huge, time-consuming headache. I resorted to using Ctrl + F to locate all the gift numbers that I needed in my deposit.
19 votes -
Beneficiary "On hold" or Inactive
Allow for making a distribution to a Beneficiary on a fund "on hold" so that it will not be created when spendable grants are done. we have many funds that have beneficiaries as part of their fund agreement but the distribution is on hold for various reasons (the fundholders desire the fund to get to a certain level before making distributions, the fund is waiting for proceeds from life insurance, etc.). But we would like to have the beneficiary information created on the fund so it can easily be "activated" when the hold is removed.
16 votes -
The ability to inactivate a scholarship to remove it from the scholarship list.
If a scholarship is retired or no longer being used, the ability to inactivate it would be helpful. This would allow that list of scholarships in the scholarships menu to just reflect active scholarships.
21 votes -
Add ability to process scholarship refunds without the initial check being reconciled first
17 votes -
Custom Field Type - number option
It would be great to have a # option in the custom field types, that can then be counted or sorted like other numbers in a Report.
21 votes -
Donations: change fund
Change fund on donation
I wish there was a way to do a fund adjustment on a donation. There is an option to change donor, but not to change fund. There are occasions where we find this out after the period has closed and there's no great way to fix it.
62 votes -
Navigation: Shift-Select Multiple Checkboxes #letshifthappen
When filtering a custom report on a field with dozens or hundreds of entries (Ex: fund account listings) you currently need to check one... checkbox...at...a...time. This forced exercise in patience and eye-straining focus is simply unjust. We don't need the carpal tunnel injury lawyer sharks to start circling our Foundat dev team. Let's agree that the humane solution is to grant the user the civilized option to hold down shift while selecting between checkboxes, to auto check all the ones between them. Just 2 clicks needed for a range, not 200.
45 votes
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