26 results found
Print column headings on multiple pages of pdf reports from "print page"
When printing multiple page financial reports, we need to have the column headings print at the top of the column on each page for ease of reading. It is impossible to know what each column is for once you print more than one page.
For example, if I print an fund audit report for multiple funds, you cannot tell what the columns on the second page are reporting.
11 votes -
Save Report Columns Options (ordering, naming, showing, etc.) on Print Screen in Financial Reports
Please add the option to save changes made to the Report Columns options when on the Print screen in Financial Reporting. The new changes made in Financial reporting allow for additional print options, but it is not possible to save these changes for future use. Please provide the option to save these changes so they can be loaded when re-running these financial reports in the future.
6 votes -
Budget % Over year automation
When putting in a budget for a fund, is there a way to have it not spread evenly out over the 12 month period? For example, can you allocate different % to different quarters? Like 20% Q1, 25% Q2, 35% Q3 etc. I know there is a manual way where you can put in a specific number for each month, but automating this with % amounts per quarter/month would be great.
4 votes -
Rename one financial report on new print option
With new sandbox release on 11/19/24- Be able to rename a report on a one time basis on the print screen. Instead of in the settings where you can change the name for "Balance Sheet, Income Statement, etc" as the default name, we want it on the print screen. There are options to rename the columns, but let's add it for the report name on the same screen for a one off basis. :)
6 votes -
Balance Sheet Liabilities List Order
Traditionally in financial statements, long-term liabilities are listed after current liabilities. Currently, it's the opposite, long-term liabilities are listed before other liabilities.
19 votes -
Budget Reporting
Greater Milwaukee Foundation would like a more finance-oriented approach to financial statements and variances. Specifically, when looking that the budget variances on the Income Statement/Budget Column option, the revenue section is correct in that the variance is 'actual minus budget'. However, the expense section is backwards, and should be 'budget minus actual'. We currently have to edit this in excel.
20 votes -
Reclass transactions and 1099 Reporting
If you reclass a transaction to a different GL account, then the 1099 status of the current account should be applied and not the original account.
2 votes -
Enhance Budgeting Tools - Scenarios, Forecasts
It would be so helpful to bring some enhanced budgeting tools into CSuite.
Currently, only one Budget is allowed per fiscal year as far as I can tell. Having the ability to populate and maintain different budget "scenarios" for each fiscal year would be amazing. The adjustment to Projected Budget seems quite limited and we are not able to "calendarize" the total adjustment or have multiple versions. With this the idea would be to apply a filter to select which "scenario" we are opting to look at for a given report with budget involved and ensure our headers reflect that…
8 votes -
Financial Package
It would be great if we could create a financial package of specific financial statements with certain filters and column settings and then be able to run it as of a specific time frame and it generates all of the reports into Excel or something.
18 votes -
open books need a warning or a password
Hello! We just had an issue where we accidentally opened the books back 10 years because of a typo in the date - can you please either put a warning on the open books feature or password protect it if it goes beyond 1 year? This caused a big issue from some Small Dog fund updates that did not close properly after reclosing the years.,
5 votes -
Underwater Report - Rolling Average
We have an underwater policy that involves calculation of a 12 quarter rolling average of the fund compared to the principal balance. I would love options to add to the underwater report to allow for such calculation.
3 votes -
'Balance Change' report cannot be drilled down by month/qtr/year
While I'm encouraged that a 'Balance Change' report has been added, there is no option to drill down by month/quarter/year...please add the option to do so, or this report is not nearly as helpful as it could be.
3 votes -
correct formatting
With the addition of the print option in the left hand menu of pages with C-Suite, the print page option now prints vertical lines between column headings and a box around the data on a page. This visually clutters up the report. Could you please reformat to the old format that just included the horizontal lines making the report easier to read but not cluttered?
Also, it would be EXTREMELY helpful to repeat column headings on multiple page printouts. It's next to impossible to know what data is in each column that is being reported on page 2 of an…
2 votes -
Financial Reports
It would be useful to delete or add certain accounts when preparing a monthly income statment especially when preparing actual to budget. There are some items, mainly the investment income accounts that are not included in my original budget, therefore are not needed in the statement. Because of this, I have to export the report and delete the line items I do not need instead of running it straight from CSuite which would save a lot of time.
6 votesNote: If you only prepare a budget for certain funds, filter to those funds and accounts without any activity will not display.
Department Codes per GL Line
It would be amazing to have the ability to set up department codes as an optional field that can be selected on each line item when entering a voucher, and thus show up when looking at the GL detail for each expense item.
We have started doing our budget to actual reporting internally by department and some accounts are used by multiple departments. This would be a huge help!
6 votes -
It would be nice if when you run financials in CSuite (i.e. Balance Sheet or Income Statement) that when you print or export it includes our company name and logo at the top? When we have to provide a copy of a BS or IS for a company or auditor we have to manually add it each time.
1 vote -
check box to include zero balance quarters when calculati
Could you add a check box to include zero balance quarters when calculating Average trailing Quarter balance when establishing fund fee types?
1 vote -
Calculate CGA/CRT Payments based on % of FMV.
Need the system to take the FMV and calculate the new year's payment on CRTs based on a specified % of FMV. His example was 8% payout annually of FMV. But that FMV updates every year, so payment amounts need to change; the % remains static.
3 votes -
Update Split Interest Values
Need the ability to update split interest values at the end of the year. Would currently have to write adjusting entries for their over 600 CGAs and CRTs, which is not a feasible solution.
2 votes -
Visual Presentations Using Charts (with GL data)
In the old saying, "a picture says a thousand words", could pie and/or bar charts be available in the following areas:
Balance sheet - Cash and Investments, by GL account number, be shown in a pie chart.
Statement of Activity - Investment income items, interest income, dividend income, realized gains (losses), unrealized gains (losses) be shown by month in bar chart
Statement of Activity - Donations/Gifts, Grants actual compared to budget be shown in a bar chart.
11 votes
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