SLM/GLM ability for Applicants to Chat with Foundation staff
A Chat feature to be able to help students in the moment could be very helpful.
Student behavior - Once they leave an application it is hard to get them back to finish it. Students are used to using a CHAT feature when they need help. They often won't pick up a phone for help & are hesitant to send emails.
I would rather help them in the moment then spend time on my Dashboard figuring out why they have some applications in draft, some in submitted and emailing them how to keep going. (Students often don't read emails)
It would be helpful for GLM as well.
Jennifer Biechlin commented
Looking into this idea as well for our scholarship applicants. It would only be offered during specific hours, usually in a critical time period. We currently offer "office hours" which are dedicated open windows of time for students to call and ask questions, but this would get much more traction, as we try to meet the students where they are!
Michelle Collins commented
I agree with Ode. This is an interesting idea but I don't want students to think we are available 24/7.
This message needs to be in a very obvious spot. I know that students don't bother to read the notices we post on the welcome page because they ask all of the same questions over and over when the answers are posted right there on the main page.
Ode Belzile commented
It could be an interesting feature, especially when we are approching a deadline for a process and many people have last minute questions. However, a feature with an automatic message when we are unable to respond live would be a must!