Document upload option on applicant dashboard
Resurrecting a request from another user that was archived.
We would like our applicants to be able to upload relevant documentation to their accounts and also processes, such as invoices, voided checks, to ensure that their successors have all information on any awards that they may need in the future.
Original request submission:
We keep insurance certificates and audits on file for our applicants (who submit multiple applications per year). We don't want them to have to upload these key documents over and over again to every single application or followup that they submit.
I would like there to be a key place on their dashboard where these documents are visible, and where the applicant can submit an update (if any). That way the applicant can check whether we have the latest one before applying for a new grant. It would be great, too, if that field could be pulled into the application and the applicant could upload to it if it's missing or incorrect. (Ideal world, I know!) Also, it would be helpful if the item would flag if overdue (they all have different expiration dates/end dates.)
Right now, I believe the organization documents are hidden away under organization history. We don't want to allow access to organization historical grant amounts - so we have had it hidden by support. It's not ideal for the documents to be in such an out-of-the-way place, anyway.