Scheduling Visits in Application
I work with three volunteer-led initiatives where grant applicants must schedule a conversation after submitting their application, but before grant decisions. We used to Jotform and embedded Calendly as an application question, which cut down on the administrative burden of follow-up emails to ensure applicants booked their meeting.
Currently, we have a checkbox that applicants check to confirm their understanding that their application is complete once they schedule the conversation. In the application received/submitted email, we provide them with the link to schedule. We ended up having to do a lot of follow-up. We're considering embedding a scheduling link directly in the application, but we're concerned applicants might think their application is officially submitted once they schedule the meeting and not return back to the application to submit, creating confusion and extra work.
Has anyone found a good solution for integrating scheduling tools (like Calendly) directly into the application process? Would love to hear any suggestions or experiences!