'Add Comment' feature
It would be helpful when adding a comment in the Application or Follow-up forms that the comment stands out. For example, allow us to make the comment bubble red or yellow, or change the font color/size or make it bold. Anything to make it stand out from the rest of the Application or Follow-Up form would be extremely useful. I recently had to mark a follow-up form as incomplete, and I added comments to the questions that I needed clarification on and even after sending multiple emails (through Foundant) to the applicant to please see the comments to help her edit her responses. The applicant still did not see where I added the comments. She then kept re-submitting the incomplete Follow-up form. It was only after I reached out to her through my work email that she responded and apologized that she kept scrolling through the entire Follow-Up form and never saw where the comment was. After sending her screenshots of my comments in Foundant she was finally was able to locate my comments.