Evaluator score columns needed
We need side-by-side columns for our evaluators so that they can see how their individual application score compares to the group of evaluators' average score. Only the person in the admin role can see the average group score. And, if the admin is also an evaluator, things get messy quickly in a meeting. An admin/evaluator can never see both their individual score column and the average score column without flipping between roles. Having the ability to see individual scores and average scores on ONE PAGE in side-by-side columns will greatly help with our evaluation meetings and enable us to make decisions more efficiently. This would prevent the need to flip back and forth between administrator and evaluator roles, because those pages show different things in terms of score. When you are in evaluator role, it would be incredible to see your individual score side-by-side with the average group score (one column for your individual score, one column for the average score). And, to be able to click on each column so they can rank in ascending/descending order. Evaluators need to see how their own scores compare to the average group score of all evaluators when making final decisions to accept/reject applications.

David Sims commented
It would be helpful to be able to see which other evaluators have completed their evaluations within the "Your Evaluations" tab. In our organization, evaluators within the Eval 1 process have unique roles, with the 2nd Eval 1 person needing info from the 1st Eval 1 person in most cases. As such, it would streamline prioritizing evaluations to be able to see if the 1st Eval 1 has completed their evaluation.