Automatic emails to evaluators
When evaluators are assigned applications as a batch action, it would be really helpful if an automatic email could go out to each evaluator letting them know they have been assigned applications for a particular process (one email per process, not per application). Currently, the only way evaluators can receive an automatic email is if each application is assigned one by one. That's time-consuming for the person assigning the evaluators, and that would generate a lot of individual emails to each evaluator. Having automatic emails go out to evaluators after batch assignments are made would eliminate the current two-step process of batch assigning evaluators and then batch emailing those evaluators from the "Application Evaluation" section of the dashboard to let them know they have been assigned applications. Streamlining this process would be helpful and more efficient and lessen the chances of accidentally forgetting to send that follow-up email to evaluators (or not realizing you need to send a follow-up email because you think you have things set up for automatic emails to be sent, without understanding that feature can’t be used for batch action assignments).