Create application form outside of process (SLM)
In SLM, I feel it would be helpful to be able to develop a form template outside of processes (maybe I'm missing this somewhere, but the only place I have found "create new form" has been inside a process under "change form"). I'd like to have an independently created Application template (that stays then untouched or modified, so I know where I started) that I can then copy and adjust into my processes. This could also apply for Follow-Up forms, etc. Essentially, I'd like the Create New Form button or a Create form template button inside the Forms tab within Process Manager (just like the processes page has a "create new process" button). I've inherited a system that has had multiple admins for the SLM within recent years, and there's no telling what the original application form was or looked like - things have been copied and duplicated over and over. Trying to create a clean baseline for applications across all processes (while we wait to be able to move to the universal application). Within that, being able to draw from a list of usable parts/questions to populate the application/form would also be helpful.