Dashboard notes column for admins (SLM)
It would be very helpful to have a custom Notes or Comments column available that admins can write directly in on the dashboard, especially since pinned comments are not currently an option in SLM.
Use case: 1 universal application submitted turns into 5 scholarship applications, so 500 UA submissions could lead to 2500 applications in submitted. I as an admin then go in by student and vet their applications before marking them complete. If there are notes I want to make for that specific scholarship application, there is currently not a way to do that in the application that are not also visible to any evaluators that will be reviewing, or that won't automatically be applied to ALL of their scholarship applications, or that wouldn't require clicking into the application to see the notes, if I were to put it in as a comment (which would be a lot of clicks for the aforementioned example of 2500).
As an example, if I am vetting the applications before the due date or decision dates and turns out the student doesn't actually meet the criteria for that scholarship because of some nuanced reason that can't be placed in eligibility, I don't want to abandon, deny, or delete the request because the student will see that, but I also need to make note of it somewhere easily visible so I don't then assign it to be evaluated.
If not a writeable field, at least having the option to have the request comments visible on the dashboard would be a nice solution to having notes visible on the dashboard without having to drill into the request.