read-only access to application documents for scholarship reviewers
Hi! I'm writing to request an update to the SLM/GLM reviewer experience that is regarding the cybersecurity of our scholarship and grant applicants. Currently, reviewers within the SLM/GLM can choose to either view or download scholarship or grant applications or the documents uploaded within them. For scholarship applications, these documents include things like FAFSA reports that include personal financial information. For grant applications, that could include things like tax returns, audits, and budgets.
I would like to request an update to the settings for Reviewers to be able to be given "read-only" access, meaning they would only be able to view these documents within the portal, but not have the ability to download anything.
Our insurance company requires us to be secure in our IT management, including using two-factor authentication when possible, etc. but we do not have any control over how secure or not our volunteers who serve on review committees are on their home computers. It presents our foundation with a security issue that our volunteers can download sensitive documents out of the review portal onto their personal computers.