GIS Map of Organizations
We would like the capability to map organizations that are registered through our database using their address. This would give us the ability to see the regional reach and coverage of our grants.

Anonymous commented
I second this. We are a regional funder and this would really help us to determine an equitable reach of our grants. It would also help us in grant delivery, as we encourage our supporters to hand-deliver checks upon occasion.
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Katie,
Thanks for taking time to create a suggestion. At this point, given other current priorities, we're not actively considering this feature. There are a couple options. First, if you do e-Grant Reporting to Foundation Center (, you do get access to their Philanthropy In/Sight maps. With data export or reporting within GLM, this shouldn't be that hard to do. Second, there is some free online mapping software (i.e., I just exported your organization data and in a couple minutes created a map in BatchGeo. I think it's limited to 500 records, but it was pretty straightforward. I believe zeemaps is a bit more powerful.
As we continue making enhancing GLM functionality, this may be something we may consider at some point in the future.
Thanks again,