Shared documents - assign to specific evaluators
This question was raised in yesterday's webinar on 3.7.0 - would it be possible to add a feature that allows shared documents to be assigned to specific reviewers/evaluators? As I understand it, currently sharing any uploaded document makes it visible to all users assigned as evaluators. Are either of these 2 options feasible?:
For each shared document uploaded, you have the option (drop-down box?) to choose a process that the document is attached to (much like forms). All evaluators assigned to that process would then be able to view that document. (Not sure how you'd allow assigning one doc to multiple processes).
Extend the "Select Evaluators" function to the shared documents. Just as you can with an approved application, once you upload a document, you have the option of opening a radio-button list of all evaluators, and you can select any number of users to be able to view that document.
posted June 26, 2013 by Daniel Stone, Arts Council of Fort Worth & Tarrant County

Chris Dahl commented
Hi all,
At this point, a more granular level of document sharing is not something we're planning. While I can understand there would be some benefit, at this point, there are just other higher-priority things we feel we need to accomplish.
That's not to say we won't revisit it at some point in the future.
Thanks for the input,
-chris -
Ideas commented
I like this idea - each of our processes is judged by a different panel, so it would be nice to share docs by process or specific reviewer. Either would be helpful.
posted September 13, 2013 by Mary Giraulo, United Arts of Central Florida
Ideas commented
The ability to set viewing "permissions" for shared documents is a high priority for us, and let me explain why. We have a number of grant processes (it will be about 10 by the end of this calendar year) that use external review committees, each with a different committee. Several of these processes are reviewed on a rolling basis - meaning there are no set deadlines.
Currently, "Staff Evaluators" (i.e., external reviewers) have no way in the GLM to track their evaluation and decision history - all infomation vanishes once the administrator closes an evaluation. For committees with multiple deadlines or a rolling process, we have to format and send this information to them separately. The committees are fully responsible for managing their grant funds and grant decisions (in most cases they are the original donors who set up the Fund) and they want to know statistics such as grants made this year to date, grants made in previous year(s), and the application/decision history for each applicant. (And because they are not part of our board or staff, we cannot give them access to the full system as a "Board Evaluator".)
We do appreciate this new feature for sharing documents. But confidentiality is paramount for each individual process, so right now the only shared documents we would upload for Staff Evaluators are things common to everyone, such an evaluator tutorial. We'd love to see options for selective sharing - either of the suggestions presented above would meet our needs. Thanks for your consideration!
posted June 27, 2013 by Stephanie Tuxill, Vermont Community Foundation