PopUp or Exclamation Point for important notes on organization page
On the organization information page, would it be possible to have a popup or an exclamation point option for notes that everyone should read? Maybe a checkbox if the popup or exclamation point is needed, so that it can be left without if it's just generic notes.
For example, I came across an organization that's now closed. I want to make sure people know this and put a note, but there's no way to stress the importance of the note.
posted April 25, 2013 by Mary Nicosia, GMA Foundations

Chris Dahl commented
Hi Mary,
When you say "an organization that's now closed" ... how are you marking them as closed? Just via a comment?
Could you take a look at Archive Orgs and see if the idea there would address your need of closing an organization?
posted June 17, 2013 by Chris Dahl, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
Hi Chris,
I hadn't seen them as two separate issues, but I can see how that would be. Other than a notice somewhere on the screen to show they are closed, I don't think any change needs to be made to the organization. It still needs to be found in searches for historical information. As for the users, they could be deactivated.
posted April 30, 2013 by Mary Nicosia, GMA Foundations
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Mary,
I think there's actually 2 suggestions here:
1. Make it possible to mark a comment as "important" so it is more evident in the list.
2. Archive organizations or mark them as closed somehow.
I think both features would be useful, but I don't see either of them as being on our near-term priority list.
If you think archiving or closing organizations would be useful, do you have any ideas on what this would look like (i.e. when doing a search)? Also, if an organization really is "closed", how does that affect applicants belonging to it?
posted April 29, 2013 by Chris Dahl, Foundant Technologies