More than one "after Due Date" follow-up
It would be helpful to have the option to add another "after Due Date" automatic email to Follow-ups. Right now only "To Assignee 7 days after Due Date" is available and we'd like a "To Assignee 14 days after Due Date" as well.

Lacey Matney commented
if the # of days could be controlled by stage (instead of in site settings) on all of the reminder emails, that would make them much more useable by more foundations
Lian Partridge commented
It would also be helpful to have more than one "before Due Date" follow up (or to be able to add/edit follow up emails). We use the follow up emails to remind grantees of the end of their grant period as well as their final report due date, so these features would be very helpful!
Beth commented
I agree. It would be SO helpful if the system could send a weekly reminder to applicants saying that their report is overdue. I have to remember to do it myself and then send the emails manually, which takes a lot of my time. A feature similar to how Adobe reminds folks to sign a document would be immensely helpful.