Batch assignment of requests to someone with the "Grant Manager" role
Currently, anyone with the "Grant Manager" role needs to have requests assigned to them by an admin. Admins do this by going to a request's summary page and linking the Grant Manager there. However, you need to do this ONE REQUEST AT A TIME. We have over 350 requests that we need to assign to a grant manager (we need flexibility in deactivating privileges, so we cannot make them an admin). That means an admin will need to go to 350+ request summaries and repetitively assign the request to this user.
Please make batch options for that available. Ideally, the admin should be able to assign the entire process to a grant manager, not just one request. Batch options NEED to be improved for any sense of efficiency in Foundant for certain tasks.
Meg Hillmann commented
So glad to hear it, Sammie, thanks for considering it! Weston's got my email if you ever want to chat about it :)
Meg Hillmann commented
My initial thought had been a batch "Assign Requests" from the Requests and Decisions page, but now that I'm thinking about it, this would probably actually be better as two check boxes in the process assign users area with a column of checks for "Can see data" and a column of checks for "is assigned," that way the administrator wouldn't need to constantly be assigning incoming requests.
Meg Hillmann commented
It seems that the Process Assign Users and the Request Assign Users buttons have different functionality when the Filter assignment setting is active; that is:
• Process Assign Users actually serves to remove data access for an entire process from those grants managers you uncheck, and
• Request Assign Users makes the data show up in the “My Requests” tab.
So right now I have to click through literally every application in our system so that everyone can filter their data vs everyone else’s data, and I'd love to see a way to make all the requests from a process show up in the “My Requests” tab that doesn’t involve manually adding each one?Asking not just for the front-loading of the work, but for scalability where, e.g. we’ve got open applications for Process A and I want all of these requests to show up in Grant Manger 1&2’s Requests, but all the grants managers should be able to see them under “All Requests.”