Evaluating Follow-up submissions
The ability to have an optional Evaluation stage to Follow-up forms would be helpful for some clients. The genesis for this idea came from an earlier discussion area post. Please use this post for any further comments.
Let the conversation begin! Thank you,
Here is the original post:
I am a new Foundant user. Prior to using the Foundant system, when a grantee mailed us a grant report, our two staff members would review it (especially the employee who was "in charge" of a particular grant), then we would copy it and enclose it in the (snail-mailed) docket for each of our board members to review. I was stumped today when, for the first time I reviewed a report and got ready to assign it to my board and ED for further evaluation, that this was not possible. Currently, it seems the best way to send reports to my board is to create a pdf and email them. Does anyone have a better suggestion?
Am I alone in thinking that it would be great if we could simply assign them to anyone to review as we assign the board/staff to evaluate proposals?
Discussion welcome.
Susan Haley
Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation
posted July 14, 2011 by Susan Haley, Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation
Ideas commented
As with applications, I think that there should be a way to assign follow-up reports to individual reviewers for approval/denial.
Idea posted October 18, 2012 by Gloria Dillard, American Osteopathic Association