Denial Date
Hello! We recently moved a number of applications into "Denial Draft" and then, a few weeks later, into "Deny." It appears Foundant records their denial dates as the dates they were moved into "Denial Draft." Would it be possible to change that so that denial dates are the dates they are formally and finally denied? It would more accurately reflect our decision-making process.Thanks!Bob Hybben

Hi Bob,
Thanks for the feedback. When you say that "It appears Foundant records their denial dates as the dates they were moved into Denial Draft" ... could you add some details?
Currently (and this could be due to some updates last spring) on the Denial form, you enter a "Decision Date." That date - and not the date that something moves into Denial Draft - really should be the date of the denial. That's what I'm seeing in my testing.
I appreciate any more feedback you can provide. Thanks!