Read only reports for board members
I would like the board members to have read only access to reports. Standard reports and saved reports would be great. At this time board members are also administrators and the chance for them to accidentally blow something up is too risky.

Chris Dahl commented
Hi Lynn,
Both of these roles are now available in Demo, though you will need to contact your CSM to have the Grants Manager (Admin Lite) role added to your site. I realize these don't exactly meet your request needs, but they should give you some options, and with a bit more experience, we may be able to extend reporting access to board members.
We'll have these in Production by tomorrow (July 9). Let me know if you have any questions,
-chris -
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Lynn,
We've discussed adding an Admin Lite and an Auditor role. With these roles, they will have access to reports. We are not going to be able to make reports truly "read only" - people in these roles will be able to create new reports.
We've also discussed exposing the reporting tool to Board Members. Again, given our limited control over some of the details of the reporting tool, if we did this, the Board Members would be able to create reports. I think you're right in that most board members (or folks that are not in the software very much) will not be good at creating reports - however, giving them access would allow them to view the reports you have created.
With both of these, it probably comes down to setting expectations with your board and other users around what they should and should not do in the reporting tool.
I'll try to let you know when the Admin Lite (we'll probably call this "Grants Manager") and Auditor role are available to preview in Demo.
In the meantime, let me know if you have additional feedback or questions,
-chris -
Lynn Larson commented
1. In my situation...I am the staff evaluator! :) However, if I were to imagine our situation, with someone else as the staff evaluator, I would still prefer that reports be read only to any one other than the Administrator.
2. With the "Admin Lite" role, I would prefer that reports be read only and I believe that standard and saved reports would be sufficient. I think that the reporting tool is too much for someone who is in the system only occasionally. It is easy enough for any other "role" in the organization to ask for a report to be run than to try to run it themselves. It could be run by the administrator and saved and even be uploaded to Shared Documents if desired. Read only seems to be a great answer for our situation.
Hope this helps you.
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Lynn,
Thanks for the suggestion and for posting to the new Idea Lab. And thanks for providing some details around which reporting functionality you feel would be sufficient (i.e. standard and saved reports).
This is something we've discussed internally a few different times. It's not yet made it on to the short list in terms of priority, but as we continue to address some more immediate functional needs, and as we have continued to improve the reporting functionality, I believe it will make sense for us to revisit in conjunction with improving the board experience.
Couple questions for you:
Do you think "staff evaluators" should have access?
If we were to add an "Admin Lite" and/or "Auditor" role, would you want them to have reporting access? In these cases would "standard" and "saved" reports be sufficient?Thanks in advance for the feedback. I would also like to hear from other users in case there are different needs out there.