foundation assigned grant numbers
We use a grant number that we assign after an application is submitted. The number reflects the year and order received within the year. We have historically used this number to a great extent and have created a field for it in GMS. The place we really miss it is on all of the Open Requests screens where the headings are proscribed and include Process, Organization, Applicant, Project. Does anyone else long for the opportunity to have Number reflected there? Has anyone found a good way to work around that? If we want to get the number to show up on those screens it appears we'd have to return the application to draft stage, enter our number in the project name field , and resubmit. Any other ideas?
posted August 23, 2012 by Mary Yager, Nebraska Humanities Council

Desiree Santos-Kho commented
My foundation also uses a grant number that reflects the year and order received within the year. We are at a loss with regard to being able to efficiently search for a grant by grant #. Has this feature continued to be "under consideration" since October 2013?
Erica Williams commented
This would be very helpful, as we have at least 3-4 different rounds of grant and each round comes out of a different pool of money.
Example Arts, Community, Special, SBGWCIt would be so helpful to code as such (2022-ARTS-0001) (2022-COMM-0001) (2022-SPE-0001) and (2022-SBGWC-0001).
Richard Rader commented
Hi. I handle the accounting for our foundation, and it would be nice to have numbers assigned for each application submitted. We have several organizations that submit applications every year or two for recurring things like scholarships, housing assistance, etc... Some of these grants are approved for a new period before the old grant is paid in full. It would help me to keep track of the grants as they are approved and paid by having an application number for each grant. We make our payments using QuickBooks, and so I reconcile our QB numbers to our GLM numbers regularly using an Excel spreadsheet. Thanks for your consideration.
Katie Kaufmann commented
We have a Grant Number report field but we also add it to the beginning of the Project Name. This is really useful as we can search for file number in the Search Requests and Decisions feature by entering it in the Project Name area.
Ideas commented
My solution begins on the applications submitted screen where I can click on review, add our grant number before the project name and save changes.
A screen shot is attached. We've just begun doing this after working in GMS for three years so I don't know if there are any pitfalls. (88KB)
posted September 18, 2012 by Mary Yager, Nebraska Humanities Council
Ideas commented
We need to start addressing this issue ourselves. We have been using the system generated id # from our previous software. I wish the GLM generated id # was a report field that could be added to approved grants. It looks like I have to create this field, find the id # via a report and then go back and put this # in the report field. We include this id # in the grant agreement.
posted September 10, 2012 by Erin Baird, Allegany Franciscan Ministries -
Ideas commented
Shortly after posting my previous comment I did discover that once I mark an application complete I can go in and save our grant number before the project name. That does allow our number to show on the screens.
posted August 27, 2012 by Mary Yager, Nebraska Humanities Council