Allow a Tech Support request to be marked Urgent
I realize that "Urgent" can be subjective, but it would be great if we could let you know when a tech support issue was "urgent" (from our perspective, of course). Case in point: I've been unable to export all day and haven't had a response to the email I sent this morning (other than the automated response). At that point, I needed to run an export for a colleague who needed it for a meeting. Now, I need to run an export because I am creating a template for a client, but I don't have the merge fields, so I can't move forward.
Of course, just marking something Urgent won't solve the problem. Foundant would also have to have a system in place to take a look at these support requests before those not marked Urgent and to contact the person making the request in less than the usual 24 window. I know that 24 hours is standard, but it's a long time when you have a client waiting on your output.
Idea posted September 13, 2011 by Mary Nicosia, GMA Foundations

Ideas commented
Hi Ray,
Running ideas or questions by my would be fine. Thanks for your responsiveness.
posted September 14, 2011 by Mary Nicosia, GMA Foundations
Ideas commented
Thanks again. After listening to your input and that of a other customers, I think we need to perform an audit of our support procedures. I very much appreciate you sharing your thoughts. It gives us a chance to improve where we might not otherwise. If I may, I might want to run a few idea or questions by you as we perform this audit. Would that be ok? Thank you!
posted September 14, 2011 by Raymond Burket, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
Hi Raymond,
Thanks for your response and the update. Getting updates is a start, but my suggestion still stands - having an alternative to the 24 hour response window would be great.
I just tried an export and it seems to be working.
posted September 14, 2011 by Mary Nicosia, GMA Foundations
Ideas commented
We have been completely focused on this Data Export issue all day and it is our top priority. That said, we need to let you know! I apologize about the lack of response to your request and I will look into where the breakdown occurred on our end. Please accept my apologies and thank you for letting us know what you are experiencing. I anticipate we'll have this issue resolved by tomorrow morning at the latest. As soon as it is fixed or we know more, we'll contact you directly. Thank you Mary!
posted September 13, 2011 by Raymond Burket, Foundant Technologies