Grant Evaluations
When viewing applications in the Application Evaluation Assigned screen you are able to sort by Organization, Applicant, or Program (which we call Sector-Progam to group like applications by our giving pillars: Arts, Education, Health, Human Services, and Other. Our evaluators like to review in order of Sector-Progam. After completing and saving an evaluation you have two options: Return to Dashboard or Next Pending Evaluation. Returning to Dashboard results in multiple steps to get to the next evaluation, and Next Pending Evaluation defaults to an alpha order by Organization. It would be helpful if the Next Pending Evaluation would access the next evaluation available in the column being sorted (in our case the Sector-Program. If this is possible, it may be of use to other end users. Thanks for your consideration.

Anonymous commented
Our Grants Committee (application evaluators) have expressed great frustration by the time it takes to get back to the dashboard after completing and saving an application. They would like to be able to evaluate the applications in the order they have been sorted as well.