Add a status to Application
I'd like to have an additional bucket I can put LOIs and Applications in that shows I've reviewed the application and there's an issue. As it is now, if it's in "Submitted", it implies we haven't looked at it yet, and if it's in "Complete" it implies there's no issue. I realize GLM was designed so that if there is an issue with an LOI/Application, we revert it to Draft status so the applicant can correct the issue, but in an effort to be as burdenless as possible, we often just reach out with an email and ask them to simply send us a document they overlooked. I'm not the only one reviewing LOIs/Applications for completeness and we just grab the first one in the "Submitted" bucket and start reviewing. It's a hassle to communicate which ones to ignore that are in the "Submitted" bucket, that have already been reviewed and are just waiting for a response from the applicant before we can mark it "Complete".

Davette Swiney commented
This would help us on scholarships as well to separate which ones are waiting for more information (3rd party completion, further review, etc. ) and which ones are waiting for us to review and mark complete. I kept inadvertently looking at the same applications to see why they were still in submitted.