metrics dashboard - permissions
It would be great if administrators could permit other users (eg board members) access to the metrics dashboard. It is a great summary of the foundation giving and would be helpful for others to view

Would you give them access to all of the metrics? Do they need any filtering or can they have the same view as you?
Crystal Tsoi commented
It would be great if we can give the Grants Manager role the option to also view the Metrics Dashboard if an Administrator toggles that on for them.
Debbie Mueller commented
It would be helpful for our program officers to be able to view the dashboard. It would provide them quick access to see how much funding has been awarded for a given process so they can determine whether to recommend an applicant apply in that process or not.
Debbie Mueller commented
I'm loving the metrics dashboard! I'd really like to share it with other internal users at the Foundation, i.e. those with the Grants Manager role in the system. It would be great if all Administrator Roles had access to it, rather than just the Administrator role. Or if we could specify the roles, or the specific users, that could have access to it.
Debbie Mueller commented
Expand permissions for metrics dashboard