Third-Party Count in new applicant dashboard
The new applicant dashboard shows a red icon when there are pseudo-common or opportunity-specific third-party submissions that are outstanding (this is great!), but right now it doesn't show the icon if a common third-party submission is outstanding. The count (0/1, 0/2, etc.) when you hover over the icon also only includes pseudo-common or opportunity-specific third-party submissions. This has the potential to be confusing for applicants because they could believe all of their common third-party requests have been submitted when they are actually still outstanding. As an administrator, it will also be difficult to direct applicants on identifying which of their third-party items are outstanding. If I send an email letting them know that their common letter of recommendation hasn't been submitted, but they login and don't see that icon they will likely not take action or know which third-party submissions are outstanding.

Hi Andrea,
Thank you for this feedback. We updated how third parties are displayed on the new applicant experience dashboard.
Please reach out if we missed anything from your request.