Prevent Duplicate Applications in SLM
Bumping this back to the top of the list - please strongly consider only allowing one application per process to be started at a time within a process cycle.
When we have multiple processes running (for us it just increased again this year, in the 30s) and 550+ active applications, we need a better way to keep the numbers accurate and moving things through the process clean and as efficient as we can. Please limit them to one application start within a process and change the apply button within the tiles that match to them to "Continue" if they've started one on the apply page (as it appears in the dashboard) or direct them to the dashboard. Without clear direction (even with my very regular emails to applicants at start and through the process, plus the warning messages set) there are students who have started 2-3+ applications within a process....and then submitted each of them complete. This gets messy when getting all of these applications connected with reviewers and causes delays. There either needs to be a limit of one application to start and continue per process, or a way to merge multiple applications into one single submission per applicant per process. The first option would be less messy and time consuming. Thanks for considering this.