Last Donation Date does not reflect accurate last gift date
Currently on the household record, the Last Donation Date does not roll up all donations from the household members. So, if the household has not given since 2021, but a member of the household gave in 2023, that is not reflected in the Last Donation Date on the household record, it shows their last donation was in 2021. This is not an accurate representation of the household's giving. Please have all household and household members giving be reflected on the household record's Last Donation Date.

Daniel Hare commented
We have had many problems with the roll up feature, fixing product errors like this is vital
Robert Gines commented
This needs to be corrected, it affects important reports and actions
Paulette Bassil commented
If the Rollup Advisor/Household feature is initiated, ensure that the first and last gift dates correspond to the advisor/household/Individual first and last gift dates.
FYI - The first and last date were pulled from the donation section it has "household" member (ignoring the date that came from an individual donation). -
Hank commented
How is this not fixed yet? This is a massive critical error.
Kristi Darzynkiewicz commented
In addition, in the Donor report, it would be great if the system recognized the actual donation and not the donation processing fee portion as the "last" gift.
Sally Weldon commented
Yikes, I haven't used the "roll up" reporting for our donor lists for AR and Newsletter mailing lists - happy I haven't. I was thinking it may be easier than sorting HH records and individual records based on donation date. IMHO: This isn't an IDEA this is a product flaw. Anyone who needs this roll up donation report to be accurate for donation date should send an email to support.
Sandi Hansen commented
This information will help us more quickly and efficiently pull accurate lists to steward recent gifts as well as prospect for future gifts.
Tracy Edgerton commented
This is critical information as we work to accurately steward donor relationships. It's important to have knowledge of their most recent contributions on hand as we make calls.