Edit a Pledge
Please offer an option to edit a pledge after it's creation; whether it be to change the amount (accidental zeroes happen!) or change the donor from a household to an individual, it should be allowed to edit. Having to delete or 'write off' a pledge if a mistake occurs can have large and messy complications in our financials. This was posted previously but did not get moved along. Thank you!
Anna Wagner commented
Yes, please! Also, linking an unposted donation should not automatically adjust a pledge. It amplifies these types of messy issues.
Janis Holloway commented
Please make this simple change to the pledge entry page. It would make things so much easier for the finance and development teams. Thank you!
Zac Smith commented
This is very important to us as well. We ran into this being an issue when we linked a donation to a pledge that was for more than the remaining pledge balance. It immediately increased the pledge total and we were not able to reverse it because of this restriction.