Security Issue: Re-Activating A User to Address Their Tasks & Non-Shared Reports
When we off-board someone, we inactivate their account in CSuite. Depending on the situation, this may be done quickly. Whether it's quick or not, later on, we may need to re-assign their tasks to someone else. They also may have valuable custom reports that they neglected to share. Either one of these two require us to re-activate the user so that we can login as them to address the items. When we do that, we lose tracking on when we originally inactivated them. It also is a security concern that we open up an ex-employee’s account, making it active, albeit for the short timeframe that we do that. As admins, we really could use some ability to address items like this without re-activating a user.

Sally Weldon commented
An Admin should be able to manage reports and tasks of any user, active or inactive.