Public Securities - Name of Stock - in Description Field
We would like to have the name of the stock autofill in the "Description" field. Not the # of shares and ticker symbol as they have their own separate fields. We have to manually type in the Name of the Stock as we use it to populate on our tax receipt letters.
Anna Wagner commented
Yes, please! We were very excited when we heard public security info would be populating automatically, but so disappointed when the "fix" just repeated information that was already there and created more work to go in and edit.
KristinMcKenzie commented
This would be extremely helpful to have now that we are in 4th quarter, which is our busiest time of the year. I will be importing several gifts that could be over 100 stocks in one gift. This will save me a lot of time if I do not have to type the description of each stock. Thank you for listening to us and providing great customer service!