Add Proxy Information in System Log when Login As is used - Audit Purposes
When I login as another CSuite User and then make an update, the system log shows the action was made by the CSuite User, not by me proxied in as the CSuite user. Is there any way for you to record in the system log when an action has been completed by someone else proxied in as the user? We feel this is critical for audit purposes.

Michelle Schneider commented
When I login as a Fund Advisor and then make an update to the contact information or username, the system log simply shows the change was made by "system" not by someone OTHER THAN the fund advisor.
Similarly, if I login as the fund advisor and make a grant request, the request shows that the request was made by the Fund Advisor, not by me proxied in as the Fund Advisor.
Is there any way for you to record in the system log and grant request when an action has been completed by someone else proxied in as the Fund Advisor? We feel this is critical for audit purposes.