Scholarship Letter Templates - Sort by Student Name!
We have had several universities complain that the scholarship letter template is messy and that it would be easier if it was organized by student name. After poking around and speaking with a support specialist, it seems this is not possible.
I have attached a copy of our current scholarship letter with fake names to give an idea of how Csuite currently arranges the order of students, which is by individual grant. I've also attached an alphabetized version of the same list of "students" to show a better flow.
You will see on the current version of the template, if a student has multiple scholarships they can be listed on separate pages which may lead to a university overlooking part of their funding. On the alphabetized version, this is no longer an issue, making it much more streamlined for bursars to see exactly how much each student is receiving and from how many scholarships.
I would like a "sort by each student" or "{{#foreach student}}" option within the template fields. Currently, the only option is "for each grant".