Show "date last modified" in workflow list for draft LOIs, applications, and followups
It would be helpful to show the date last modified on the workflow page that lists applications, LOIs, or followups that are in draft form. (Much as the date submitted is shown for submitted applications, LOIs, and followups.) This way I could tell at a glance whether applicants are progressing on their drafts.

Jmorris commented
I agree that this would be helpful, though, I disagree with the poster from 11/30/18 - I DON'T want to have to use one of my custom fields to view this information. I think it should be available always - it's just logical to be able to see easily at a glance how long any particular draft form has been sitting in the system with no activity. To that, I add - please give us the ability to use more than just two custom fields, please!
Anonymous commented
With the new "add column" feature it would great if we could add a column on the workload pages to show when the applicant last worked on their grant application. We get organizations that start an application and never come back to finish it up. Would be nice to know, at a glance, when they last did anything with their application!
Anonymous commented
This would be great! Would make it so much easier to know when and if an applicant last worked on their application.
Lisa Diehl commented
I would WELCOME dates to show on the workflow page of LOI Drafts and Application Drafts also. As it stands, under the Drafts, we don't know if drafts are 4 years old or 4 days without opening every single file. It would help greatly to see dates on Drafts just like you do for Submitted and Completed.
Anonymous commented
Yes Please!!!!
Anonymous commented
Yes! And then we could also sort by date so that we could quickly see which ones to work on - we used to be able to sort by date by doing so in the follow ups area and then all lists would be sorted by date. Now there is no way to do that ...
Robin McClea commented
I'll add a comment to this thread. I would like to see, on the "Application Submitted" page, whether I have approved the application or not. I have to run a report and switch back and forth to this page to determine whether I need to review and approve or follow up. It is not a very efficient way to proceed through the applications submitted.
Thanks! -
Barb Owens commented
OK, Chris. Here's my take on this issue (not speaking for anyone else!):
1) Last modified to me would be anytime answers to any of the questions in the document were added, deleted or changed. This could be by the applicant or in the case of internal or admin only questions--the admin. If the admin comments--there is a blue bar that makes that notation--whether it's seen by the applicant and/or admin--correct?
I would also love to see a running list of dates of modifications made by staff (and which staff it is making the modification!). That may be a different issue? Our website editing feature provides that and it is so helpful. I'd totally understand if that's not possible, though.2) I can't speak for Sally, but to me, the date/time of the "start" of an application is both the start for that form and for the entire request. Other forms would be just when that particular form was begun.
Hope this helps...
Hi all,
This is still something we're considering, and we've discussed it a bit internally, which has raised a number of questions. Right now, we still have some user interface (UI) constraints just in terms of how / where we display this.
So, regarding some of the questions we came up with as we discussed this ... we have to dig in a bit to understand what "last modified" means to different users. Is it the last time the applicant modified something? Or if the form has internal or admin only questions, does an update by an administrator count? What about if an admin makes an internal comment on the form? And in reference to Sally's comment about the date/time of the "start" of the application ... is that the "start" for a particular form or the entire request?
Any feedback you have regarding these questions would be great. Thanks!
-chris -
Barb Owens commented
Any modification dates/staff implementing the change are beneficial in understanding the grant workflow. I would love to see this available.
Sally commented
The date/time staff of the application "start" would be very helpful in the dashboard of the draft applications (especially in scholarships). I was looking for this field in the data sets also, for creating communications based on that information to students (The application XYZ you started on December 1, 2015 at 2:00 am...) and sorting information - if a student started an application 5 minutes ago, we may want to exclude them from a communication that states an urgency to complete the process - a student who started a month ago, different approach.
Michelle Cares commented
I'll echo this request. I see it is still under consideration. Any update? Thanks!
Michelle Cares, Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation
Owen David commented
Wanted to chime in here. We also think this would be really useful! I see it's under consideration. Would love to see it make the leap to implementation!
Lisa D commented
Chris,I'm back to this suggestion. Today, the president of our Foundation reviewed a few LOI Complete files and wanted me to see some details in a couple of those files. However, once he reviews them, they are automatically sent over to application draft status and now I have no way of knowing what files he wanted me to review without going into every application to check the date. It would just be helpful for the date file last modified to show on the application draft dashboard page.
Kelly Thompson commented
Thanks, Chris.
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for the suggestion. I can see where this would be useful, and as we review how we are handling dates, we will consider this.